You are here : Planning > Sales/Shop Order Maintenance > Allocation/WO Creation > Pending Issue

Pending Issue


This option displays all the Child Items that have been allocated but some quantity is still pending to be Issued to the Shop Floor against the Work Orders created for the selected SJO. This grid is only for your reference purpose and you can not actually Issue through it.


CollapsedClick for Example

Screen Layout of Pending Issue


CollapsedClick for Practice Exercise

Field Description of Pending Issue

A list of Child Items that have been Allocated but are still pending to be Issued to the Shop Floor as per requirement of the Work Orders created for the selected SJO, will be displayed in a grid as shown above. It displays the Total Allocated Quantity of each Child Item, Quantity that has been Issued till now and Quantity that is pending to be Issued.


Please note that in case -

Once done, click on 'Ok' button to go back to the previous screen.


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